Travel Tips

What Makes It Easy For You To Travel With a 2 Year Old On A Plane

Air travel is a bit tricky task and when you are traveling with your kids, the experience just gets tougher. A proper planning and preparation are required while traveling with your kids, infants or toddlers. The majority of the children gets irritated and screams on planes mainly due to tiredness, boredness, and hunger. So it’s better to pack enough stuff for them such as food, games, pillows, toys, etc.

If you don’t find it easy to travel on planes with kids, then the following tips are for you only.

Try to book nonstop flights:

Booking a nonstop flight is the best option to click if you are traveling with infants. Waiting for the connecting flights on the airports can only make the kid uncomfortable and make it difficult for you to handle all the mess. So better switch to the nonstop flights.

Get ready to tackle the long Queues of Security Check:
The long lines of security check are a great headache for anyone and when the kids are with you then you should know how to manage all this. A light umbrella stroller can really help you to tackle the huge security queues.

Keep a Friendly behavior with the attendants:
Remember one thing that the flight attendants are there to help you. So it’s best if you maintain a friendly behavior with them rather than keep on complaining about the seats or services. If you try to explain your issues in a promising tone then surely they are the only one who can help you at the height of 30,000 feet.

Do prepare for the bad climate:
It is a very simple advice which every traveler should follow and when your kids are with you then it becomes more important to consider it. Make your children dressed comfortably for the weather so that they can easily manage the consequences of the new environment.

Do pack enough stuff:
Packing less is advisable while traveling but when traveling with the kids, bringing extra supplies is always helpful. Don’t forget to pack the food, their games and favorite toys with you.

Don’t forget the medicine:
Issues like jet lag or eating disorders are attached to the planes. So it’s better if you take all the necessary MEDs with you. Things like fever and dehydration can also occur. If your child is allergic to something, then you should take all the medications.

Avoid sweets:
Do take sweets with you but pack the savory items like breadsticks, potato chips, fruits and veggies too with you to balance the meal.

Give your kid the middle seat:
For safety reasons, do prefer to give the middle seat to the child. This will also help to take her/his mind off the fear of flying. Along with that, it let you have a better control on the silly activities of the child.

Distract Children from Their Flying Fears:
Most of the kids have fear of flying on planes. So it’s better if you take their mind off that thing and engage them in some other stuff.

Get a portable DVD player or tablet:
The best way to tackle the mood swings of a child on a flight is to make them busy with their electronic stuff like the games, DVD players or the tablets. Switch their favorite cartoons or movies on the phone and let them enjoy these throughout the journey. Do check whether the airline in which you are traveling can let you take your electronics with you or not. And to get details regarding that do book flights with; avail all the information and cheap fares.

Do take a pillow or a blanket with you:
By taking the pillow or blanket, it becomes easy to manage the different unwanted consequences on the planes. You can also take earphones, eye mask and other stuff like that.

Do wear comfortable clothing and footwear:
By wearing the comfortable pair of footwear and relaxing attire, you can easily manage kids while checking in and out. Walking from one terminal to another with the kids, need a comfortable wear so do prefer to pick something comfy.
So it’s better if you plan well and do organize everything before boarding the planes. Don’t forget to have a look on the above-discussed points.