Travel Tips

An Essential Guide To Prepare A Travel Survival Kit

It is always a good idea to be prepared for long flight delays and the endless wait lounging at airport terminals waiting to be boarded. To help you make your travel a smooth and as comfortable a journey as possible, we have prepared an essential of things to have with you at all times when travelling.


Document essentials:

Seems quite straightforward yes, but there have been too many instances when passengers have forgotten to pack these items. So make a checklist and pack all these in your carry-on:

  • passport and IDs
  • credit cards, cash, travellers checks, do not forget to check the currency exchange rate of your destination
  • plane tickets
  • hotel reservations, with address and details of how to reach it from airport
  • travel insurance


There is always a possibility that your suitcase may get temporarily lost, hence always pack at least two outfits for everyone in your carry-on, include the following:

  • Tops and bottoms
  • Undergarments

If travelling with children, it becomes important to keep them entertained on the long flights, hence these items become a necessity:

  • Toys, games
  • Colouring books, story books, puzzles
  • Movies on a portable player

Apart from the above mentioned items, it is also necessary to be prepared with all these, especially when travelling with small kids:

  • Diapers, along with disposal bags and wipes
  • Bottles and sippers
  • Formula
  • Children’s favourite snacks
  • Any stuffed animal or toy or blanket they might need to make their sleep time more comfortable

It is also vital to remember to pack any medicines you take or might need on your travel.

Besides all the already mentioned basics, it is also a good idea to keep in mind the following for your comfort on board the plane and also for when you land.

So do not forget to carry:

  • A travel blanket, for it does get cold on the plane
  • A neck pillow
  • Earplugs and sleep mask

Additionally, it is always a good idea to carry:

  • Hand sanitizers, lip balm and a lotion
  • Face wipes
  • Tissues
  • Small size toothbrush and paste, deodorant

Now that we are prepared for any eventuality, let’s just sit back, relax and have wonderful holidays!